Monday, April 21, 2008

My dear readers

When I write on my blog, there is a hierarchy of people who read my blog somewhere in the back of my mind. First is my family, who I created this blog for 2 years ago, but who still needs reminders to stop by. :) Then my wonderful mother in law who is far away from grandkids and checks this blog daily. Then all my blogging friends, some I know from church, others have moved away, some I know via the homeschool group. In any case, we all know each other in person but stay up on each other day to day by checking in on each other's blogs every day. :)

Then last comes my lurkers. Yes! I have lurkers! Up until I got that little counter thingymajig, I very truly thought only a sparse few came to read my little corner of the blogosphere. That is not so. I have friends/readers/lurkers/creepy stalkers all over the country!

There are hits from here in Longview, of course! The list is longer than my arm. I assume I know all those, but who knows! :)

Then there's Shreveport where my dear friends Jonathan and Kelly moved and I know Kelly reads my blog. But then some of those hits could be from someone at the church in Shreveport who is a sister church to my parent's church in Tulsa. So there's that.

Then Tyler - it could be my sister in law, Stephanie, though I didn't know she read my blog. It could really be anyone. :)

Gladewater is probably my sil or bil or fil... someone around there related to me is checking up on us. :)

Tulsa - could be my parents, my grandparents, could be an old crush from Faith or BC... :)

Then we get to the places where I don't know anyone from! It makes me wonder how they found me and what keeps them coming around? It can't be my charming personality or stunning good looks. :P

Jerome, Idaho. Welcome friend.

Saint Paris, Ohio. How'd you find me?

Harrisburg, VA Could be my old friend Stacy from CHEF.... is that you??

Beaverton, OR. This one cracks me up because I'm on their bloglines. I'm just posting pictures
and a scant narration of my boring (but beautiful) life and you add me to your bloglines? I'm really that interesting? Yay for me! :P

Spring Lake NC that also comes up on feedjit as Fayetteville, NC. I do believe that this is Pam, but why it sees her as from two towns she's not. I do not know.

Monument, CO. Donita! I do know you. It's funny to me that you check my blog more often than my own mom. :) Tell Amee I say Hello!

Chapel Hill, NC. Hey there, you lurker you. You're on again, off again, but you always come back to see the newest pictures of Chandler.

Soldotna, AK. I know that it's a Broussard, but just not which one. :)

Dallas, TX. I don't know anyone in Dallas. Whoooo are you?

East Rockaway, NY. Long Island. Cool. I can't wait to visit the city sometime.

Kansas City, MO. Hey whatup?

Coeur D Alene, ID. Cool town name, dude.

Raleigh, NC. Lots of returning readers from NC. I think I've got a fan club in North Carolina!

Grand Rapids, MI. Welcome to my blog again!

Wausau, WI. I've seen you a few times. Hope you've enjoyed looking around.

Redwood City, CA. Wouldn't be surprised if it is who I think it is. Regret is an evil mistress.

And these are just the visits who have been here twice or more. It's not counting the random search hits. I always get the weirdest ones.... pregnancy related clumsiness.... guess who's blog pops up??? Yup.

So speak up everyone! All you lurkers (and friends) out there hit me up in the comments about how you found me, why you read my blog, and if I might actually know you! If you have a blog, tell me! I'd love to get to know my "readers". It's a very loose term. lol

This whole post has been very self involved. I wondered about even keeping it up. I took it down then changed my mind. I obsess about weird stuff. Like the strangers that read my blog. It's so silly that it makes me ridiculously happy that more than 3 people that read my blog. It also makes me want to puke. Because I'm enigmatic that way.


TexasNeals said...

YOU are hilarious! i love your blog b/c it's so real. you are striving to serve and love and you share so openly about the struggles on the way. you are a great photographer and extyreamly funny!!! i love your blog. :)

Kate said...

How did you find all that out? Kinda freaky!

Kate said...

Oops didn't click the box...

Adriana said...

Thanks Stace. Your comments always brighten my day! Good boost for the ol' ego! :)

Kate, I have two thingys that tell me who's been to my blog. That's how weird I am anout it. :)

Anonymous said...

hey Adriana!I (Mikayla) am the one that gets on here alot:)Your mom told my mom and my mom told me.I love getting on here and looking at all the adorable pictures of your babies:) Though i don't think I've met them(yet!) I feel like i know them because of all the cute stories your younger sibilngs have told me... TTFN,Mikayla

Kate said...

So how do you do it? What things do you have?

Jaime said...

I am always amazed at all you are able to accomplish, even with so many kids underfoot. You inspire me! You also exhaust me... :-)

Anonymous said...

Hi Adriana, it's me one of the lurkers~ Diane from Chapel Hill! It warms my heart to see what a wonderful life Chandler is having thanks to you and your husband!!! Chandler seems great--adorable, very smart, talented, athletic, sensitive and sweet. (your others seem great too!) I love reading your blog and seeing him grow. I think you are an amazing mother and I admire you so much!!! I'm also in awe of your technical and photographic skills :-) If you ever have time and would like to, please write:

Anonymous said...

I'm your lurker from St.Paris, Ohio...

I found your blog through Kate, from Kate, Ashley, then somebody from Ashley's Blog, I forget who!

You are an inspiration to me, you get so much done, have so much energy! I don't know how you do it! You are so positive too!! I take notes from you, and shake my head in wonder, how do you do it??!!

I am a Mom to 3, (twins are 3 and the baby is 16 months old) and I don't get half as much done as you do!

You have such a beautiful family, I love checking in to see if you have a new update! Thanks for being so encouraging!! :)

Back to lurking for now...:D

Stephanie said...

Hi! I'm Stephanie, your Dallas lurker! I link to your blog from Dana's. She and I went to LU together and sang together for 2 years!

I absolutely love your blog and you're wit is amazing! Thanks for doing such a detailed analysis of your lurkers! :)

Adriana said...

This is some sort of record for comments... at least on my blog!

I'm so glad all you lurkers have commented and said hello! I don't mind at all if strangers read, but it does make me feel a bit better if I have an idea of who you are.

What cool readers I have! And thanks for all the compliments. I LOVE compliments! I need to call out my lurkers more often. ;)

Mikayla, I'm so glad you come by. I remember when you were born, our parents were new friends then. How weird is that? Ok, that makes me feel really really old! :)

Kate, if you go to or you can get the codes to add them to your template.

Jaime - it only seems as if I get a lot done. I don't post on the days I decide not to get out of my jammies and do school from the couch! lol

Diane, I'm happy to have you as a lurker. :) Thanks again for writing.

St Paris - nice to meet you! I'm so glad my wacky blog amuses you. :) Inspiration? Not so much. My halo is so bent it's broken. I get by on prayer and an understanding hubby. :) Glad to be of help, though!

Stephanie, I just love you. I've always wanted to be witty. You say I am, so I love you. :)

There's still more lurkers out there... keep the comments coming! :)