Friday, April 11, 2008

Comfort carbs

I need to be in bed with my hubby, but I'm waiting for the kitchen floor to dry so I can put everything back.

We had a wonderful day today - nothing out of the ordinary happened, but it was a nice stay-at-home-all-day school day. :) We also did quite a bit of housework - got a jump on it for tomorrow. I always like to get things really nice and clean before the weekend comes.

I worked one on one with Chandler and Taylor today on their choir songs. Chandler needed help staying on pitch and Taylor is a very timid singer. She has a lovely voice, but needed encouragement to sing out. She was afraid of making mistakes and people hearing her. :) We worked on the words and melody so she was firm in her memory and could make her voice carry without feeling self-conscious. She made a 100% improvement just over the 30 minutes or so I was able to work with her. I was so impressed and proud of her. Chandler needs no help singing out! He just needs to make sure he's in the right key and knows the correct tempo. :)

Highlights of my day: making slushies with the kids (or at least trying to), accomplishing a big chunck of my "to do" chore list, singing with my kids, talking with them about the importance and hospitality benefits of keeping our house "company ready" instead of just picked up (and the in-depth discussion and questions that followed), grocery shopping just Taylor and me after soccer practice, evening family devotions and prayer.

Oh and making cinnamon bread and rolls for my dear sweet husband. He's been making such great strides over the past few weeks in his role as the leader of our family and I wanted to do something special to honor him and surprise him.

Only, my bread was a flop - literally. After baking, it was sooooo pretty and was just about perfect when I tried to check the sides to make sure they were done. Somehow I flipped it into the floor (that I was just about to mop!) and being piping hot, it smashed all in a mushy lump. This was all that was left of my beautiful loaf of sweet goodness. Pride goeth before the fall!! lol

I am a strict follower of the 5 second rule so I munched on it as we watched American Idol together (it tasted GREAT btw, despite appearances), but Tom waited for these to come out of the oven... ;) They don't look very big and puffy, but these are great big "muffin" tins shaped like mini bundt pans. There's breakfast for tomorrow! Woo hoo!

I've been on a baking kick lately and I need to stop it. Comfort carbs are not good for my post pg weight loss. lol

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Stephanie said...


Anonymous said...

Look at your bread! I'd still totally eat it.

I like to get all the housework in order on Friday so we can chill all weekend, and I feel off when I don't get it done.

This weekend is alllll about yard work and cleaning the garage so next time you come over we can play outside, and put up the movie screen :)

Adriana said...

I miss you too!!! :(