Monday, April 28, 2008


Saturday was busy, even more so than normal. :) I was overtired after we got home midafternoon. Taylor and I had planned on going to the ballet recital of several of our friends but we had forgotten that she had to go to Nikki's for the night. (15. extra days and nights with Taylor during soccer season) Taylor was very disappointed about missing the recital. I was going to take Chandler since his friend Abi was dancing, but after our long day, I was much too tired. I even felt sick and was in bed by 7.

Today I still feel achy and Tom's back is still out. We are quite a pair. :)

16. making great memories with my family

17. laughing with Tom

18. cool weather

19. taking a day to cuddle and nurse my baby to build my supply back up

20. backwards hugs in the kitchen from my hubby

21. chatting with Taylor while I'm combing her hair after her shower

22. sleep!

1 comment:

Vashey Fam said...

Oh no! Tom's back is out?! Do we need to house swap?lol I am so sorry you both don't feel well.