Thursday, April 03, 2008


Today started out yucky. (Ever notice as a mom how your vocabulary starts shrinking to the size of your 5 year old's?? What's up with that? lol) I was hideously nauseous AGAIN and to put it discreetly, was making very frequent trips to the bathroom. :P I spent the morning curled up on the couch, directing the kids on school and chores.

By noon it seemed to have passed and I felt much better (PTL!) I was able to take the kids to skating - though I would have much rather not gone, I'd sort of promised them. :) They were very happy to get to go.

I saw that the park by the skating rink was open again - it had been closed for construction for several months. So after skating we spent a few minutes there and the kids ran off even more energy. It was a beautiful day for it. The Fortier's had the same idea to come after skating and I chatted with Cheryl for awhile, which was nice since I hadn't gotten to visit with her very much at the rink.

After dinner Tom suggested we get hopped up on caffeine and clean a bit. lol Sounded like a plan to me. :) I was so happy to have his offer of help. I've been struggling to catch up since we finally got well and it just hasn't happened this week! I have the best hubby. He's so willing to help out where he's needed. We knocked out our room and bathroom, so it was time for a blogging break. :)

Tomorrow will be more running around, in the morning a much needed visit with Jessica (one of my bestest friends who moved away) and in the afternoon helping Deb pack for their move to Ukraine! They are shipping everything over on Monday!! How wild is that? After that, we're having dinner with some friends with whom we've been trying to get together for ages! It's finally happening even though we're both just as busy as ever. I'm really looking forward to it.

Enough hum drum. I find that lately I'm posting more about the details of each day, instead of my normal pattern of only posting when I have pictures. I find it therapeutic but tedious and I never know if people get tired of hearing the monotonous details. Actually, I'm sure they do. :) Connie does a better job capturing the essence of her day by relaying about the feelings and attitudes of her kids and herself and sometimes conversations, unlike me, just siting the events of the day. I'm going to try to get better at that. :)

Well, I'm off to tackle another room.

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1 comment:

Vashey Fam said...

Adrianna, I'm getting you back! I'm tagging you! There are directions on my blog to write your own "6 Word Memoir".