Monday, April 14, 2008

Shining her light

The other night during devotions, Tom talked about how we have to do kind things to shine our light to other people. Taylor looked up and said, "I can't do much, but I think God wants me to do something nice for the the Swinney's. (our elderly neighbors) I'll bake them some muffins!" So today, she did just that all by herself. And they were perfect!

Taylor has such a gentle heart and sweet spirit. It's so awesome to watch her grow in the Lord and see her respond so readily to the promptings of the Holy Spirit. I have so much to learn from my wonderful daughter.

Chandler had to get in on the delivery.

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Jaime said...

That is so neat. How sweet and thoughtful of her. I hope my boys marry girls like Taylor. :-)

Unknown said...

Hey, I'm all for betrothal... though she's a little old for your boys. :)