Sunday, April 27, 2008

Busy day part 2

The second order of business was to meet up with Stephanie and her kids at the park. The city was hosting a Rec day there. Tom's back was acting up, so he stayed home with Aaron. They took a nap together. :)

The city had fun stuff set up at the park like face painting, a bounce house, and a scavenger hunt. Oh and free hotdogs! :)

Mother's League was there with a Mother's day craft for the kids to make. Taylor made a big production about not letting me see my present until it was finished. She loves getting the chance to make her own presents and she takes it very seriously. :) It was a beautiful candle holder that she had hand painted. I put it in my kitchen window - I need to remember to get a votive to put in it. :)

Brayden wanted to do the bounce house, but Chandler had a tough time with this part, I didn't think Brayden would be able to make it alone. (and they wouldn't let adults on it! :P)

Taking a break from playing to eat our hotdogs.
Sweet Amara - Steff's minime
He sings AND dances! :P In person it was much more impressive and quite hilarious. :)
Finishing up the scavenger hunt - she had as much fun as Steff and I do on ours! :)
All done and heading home. Brayden was showing signs of needing a nap!

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