Friday, April 04, 2008

Rainy day

The week has brought the verse from Jeremiah sharply into focus. "I know the plans I have for you" I plan out my day and post it on my blog no less, only to have the Lord put on the brakes and say, Wait a minute, I'm in charge, not you. :)

Today, like Monday was nothing like I planned. I didn't get to visit Jessica because of a still coughing baby and the rainy weather I was loathe to get him out in. Deb didn't need help packing either. I really didn't mind my plans being changed, it was actually nice to have the rainy day at home. God knows better than me! :) So we spent the day doing school -- math drills and more math drills! -- and babying our sick little guy. So far dinner is still on with the Leas, but I'm expecting God to overrule that any minute. :)

My accomplishments of the day are: building with lincoln logs with my kids, mopping the floors, and making these.....

Notice the cinnamon and sugar ones in the background. :) They are insanely delicious. I didn't have high expectations of the pretzel recipe I tried, but it really surprised me. At least now I have something good to take to Jen's tonight! As long as I don't eat them all before we get there. ;)

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Stephanie said...

I WANT THEM NOW!!!!!! I love going to Sam's and getting the soft pretzels with lard and salt. YUM! When are you going to have me over and make them for me so I can do your laundry? :)

Anonymous said...

Your blog is wonderful and I had so much fun reading and looking at the pictures of your family. You are an awesome mom. Maybe just a little more about your wonderful Hubby!!!! Because......I am a Reagh. My brother found your blog somehow and sent it to all of my brothers and sisters. I am 67 years old. Born and raised in Alberta Canada and my dad was a Reagh...his relatives coming from Nova Scotia. I would love to keep in touch with you and I am a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints and we
have such a great geneology program it would be fun to see if we are related. It is a very unusual name and of course you have to spell it out every time you give it out. I have never seen it anywhere else until my sisiters and I visited Nova Scotia a few years ago. It was in a lot of cemeteries and on a big sign in a store. Reagh's feed store. I know you are a busy gal but I hope we can talk more. Geri Holland hollandgeri@yahoo.comrdlirob