Saturday, April 12, 2008

Still up indeed

I just read Kelly's post "Still up" and that was posted an hour ago! lol

I need to be in bed with the long day we'll have tomorrow. I need to be in bed with ANY day I'll have tomorrow! I'm just waiting until the washer is done so I can get the load in the dryer. Just like Taylor to bring her dirty uniform right before bed and say that it needs to be washed for her game. :) And just like me to procrastinate about starting a load until 12:45am!

I spent a lovely evening with my friend Leigh. Her hubby is laid up with a bad back injury so I suggested that she and Tom swap houses. I knew she must be in the mood for female company and vice versa for Jon. :) It worked out great. Tom took some "manly movies" over to watch with Jon and we stayed here with chocolate pie and a chick flick. Only we didn't watch it because we were talking so much. :) It was really nice to spend some one on one time with Leigh, we've always been in group settings and it was great to get to know her better.

She left about 11ish before Tom was home and then I started the movie and savored the blissful state of being ALONE. It doesn't happen often, baby. Just me, my movie and chocolate pie. It was delightful.

Then Tom came home and ruined it all. lol j/k! He stayed awake though exactly 3 minutes of it and then he was snoring for the remainder.

So anyways, here I am after the movie (The Martian Child, not bad, not great) washing clothes. I should have done it during the movie, but that would have required me to fold the load in the dryer. I'm not a multitasker when it comes to watching tv....ok, yes I am, I can totally eat and watch, but let's put it this way, I'm not a multitasker when it comes to tv and laundry! That's why they call it vegging. You don't do anything! Ugh, I hate doing laundry. :P

Busy day tomorrow - Taylor has her soccer tournament! Three games all in one day. Her team is doing a cookout/hang out between games again. It should be a fun day. The weather is supposed to be really nice too. Ooh, gotta remember the sunscreen.

Ok! Enough incoherent rambling and procrastination.


TexasNeals said...

love, love, love all your blogging! i've been out of the blog loop and have spent way too long catching up! :) your posts are TOO cute and your pictures are great...especially the ones of yummy looking cinnamon rolls! HA!
oh, and you were right about prairee woman! her recipes are to die for!!! i haven't tried any YET, but b/c of all the great pictures i could almost taste them! :)
oh, and about the birthmark on aaron, molly beth has one of those too.
hmmmm, what else? i think that's it. i really need to check more often so that i don't take up so much comment space!! :)

Stephanie said...

What you really mean is you need to comment on every post because that's what Adriana likes best! :)

About that laundry, I'm a great multitasker. Let's see, I want sweet tea and salted pretzels and a chic flick and LOTS of laundry! :)

Adriana said...

Conin' right up! How's Tuesday?

Adriana said...

And thanks, Stacey! You really made my day! :)