Thursday, April 24, 2008


Funny story: I thought I heard Taylor say that (whatever) to me awhile back. I about jerked her baldheaded but a friend quickly jumped to her defense. I can't remember now what she had said, but it wasn't that. I was so glad - it's not at all like her. She got the whole lecture anyways, just in case it ever crossed her mind in the future. You don't sass yo' momma! :)

So after the rough start to my day (I didn't get to go back to bed, despite my well laid plans) things came together pretty well. The house was clean top to bottom by 6 (with a little extra help from Stephanie who came early - THANKS!!) Oh, that made me soooo happy. What a leg up I have on tomorrow!

Then everyone else got here and the fun began! (no pics! what's up with that??) I just love parties. I love having a houseful of friends and I love entertaining. Have I said that before??

We ordered in pizza, had lots of wonderful homemade desserts, and talked the night away. We almost forgot about Lost! Just almost. We're not that chatty. :) Everyone had to leave to get home before it started, :( except the Akins. It was a LOST party, people. :) I get the bedtime thing though. The episode was a good one. I missed parts of it talking and trying to get last minute Six Flags tickets online while it was on. Good thing it's tivoed. :)

So I'm going to bed with a happy about my clean house and high from my party fix. Lifegroup's at my house Sunday! ;)


TexasNeals said...

so glad everyone had a good time. hate that we had to miss it. w/ our kids on the end of this vishous (sp?) virus, they have been going to bed between 7-7:30. anyway, maybe we can make it to the next one! ;)

Anonymous said...

LOST was SO good, but 9 is late. That's usually when we watch it...after the kids go to bed. Glad you guys had fun! I would not have been able to socially function after three days of NO sleep. I was on the couch by 8:30.