Thursday, April 24, 2008

Toilet drama

You know what's worse than being told by your 9 year old that the toilet overflowed and your brand new bathroom towels fell victim to the nasty poop water? I'll tell you what. Being told 5 minutes later by your 3 year old that the toilet is overflowing AGAIN. The said 3 year old apparently doesn't realise the gravity of the situation or value my sanity AT ALL because he was grinning from ear to ear when he said it.

I'm having a houseful of company in about 8 hours. And my house reeks of raw sewage. And there was no way to wipe my feet after sludging through 15 soaking towels and 2 inches of standing poop water.

I'm going back to bed.


The Peacock Pearl said...

hmm, think we could invade the coffee room and nurseries for an emergency Lost party relocation???? :)

Adriana said...

Thankfully, I don't think that'll be necessary. :) I got it under control, I even got the toilet fixed!! I just needed a minute to freak out and be dramatic about it all. lol

I'll burn apple cinnamon candles all day and you just pretend that you don't see poop smudges on the carpet! ;)

(Just to be clear, I'm just kidding about the smudges... I think! Who would know with such wonderful stain hiding dead calico cat carpet??) haha.