Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Procrastination is my middle name

So I'm procrastinating AGAIN. It's late and I should either be asleep or mopping floors, but I don't feel like doing either at the moment. :) I'm doing some cleaning for the party we're having tomorrow - Lost is back! We're having a Lost/pizza/game/movie/wii night. That's counting the kids activities. :) There should be about 7 families here, not even counting us, so it'll be a full house and so much FUN!

Today we brown bagged it with the lunch club at the church park. We were eaten alive by some mysterious insect with oddly large wings and eyes in comparison to it's body. lol It was very muggy, but bearable in the shade. I hate thinking of this weather as hot, because I know it will only get much worse! Darn Texas weather. Why couldn't my internet sweetie be from somewhere cooler, like say, Pennsylvania or Alaska?? I moved SOUTH. I swore I'd never move south from Oklahoma. :) (but I'm so glad I did - it was worth it)

After lunch we made a stop at the store. I remember now why I only go in the evenings WITHOUT kids. The kids were great, but just the logistics and constant talking makes me stressed. I just want quiet when I'm shopping. :) Another gripe - how I can go in for 5 things, end up with 30 and spend $100, is beyond me!!!

As noted below, we recovered the dining room chairs tonight! Ok, so Tom did it. :) They were in sore need of attention. Upholstery, 3 year olds (or 5 yo's for that matter) and spaghetti just don't mix! It was such a great accomplishment. Big check off the to do list before the party. :)

Well, I'm going to get some caffeine so that I can mop the floors and scrub down the stovetop and cabinets. If I can get the kitchen good and clean, I'll feel like I can go to bed with a clear conscience. :)

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