Monday, April 14, 2008


I've already posted a bunch to catch up. Mondays are always busy so I had to get it done. :) Again, I'm up way too late. This is becoming a pattern! ugh.

Today was such a wonderful day filled with simple pleasures, I couldn't pass up posting about the highlights... really quick in bullet point format!

-Bud's sermon on the Power of the the name of the Lord in prayer; praying with Tom over our marriage and family, praying with Kelly and hopefully offering some comfort, seeing Kelly and Jonathan and Conlan!

-getting a nice nap after the long day we had yesterday!

-watching my daughter use her talents to serve others and bring glory to God

-riding bikes to the park with Chandler and Taylor; Chandler told Tom later that "Mommy can do this for a long time!" and stood demonstrating, holding arms straight out - totally leaving out the part that I was on a bike!

-during our bike ride, stopping to teach my kiddos how to sip the "honey" out of honeysuckle!! It thrilled me to get to watch their faces light up as they experienced such a simple pleasure for the first time. Ah, such great memories were made today!

-watching "Royal Wedding" with the kids as I made dinner, hearing Tom groan about it and watch Chandler try to imitate Fred Astaire!

-being so sad to put the kids to bed, we'd had such a nice day together.

Quotes of the day: On our bike ride, Chandler called out, "Stop, I need to do something!" I turn around to see him picking his nose. "That's what was so important?" I asked. He wrinkled his nose at me, "Yeah, my nose was asleep and it hurt!" Silly boy.

It tickled me to hear Taylor make a comment about the new American girl movie that's coming out this summer. (she's super excited!) Chandler said that Royal Wedding was the new Kit movie. (weird notion, but ok) She responded, "It's not either. If that were the Kit movie, I'd be totally freaking out right now!" It was such a girly, teenish thing to say. It was cute.

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