Tuesday, April 01, 2008

Monday stuff

So very little of what I had down for yesterday actually came to fruition. I have very good excuses though. :) The baby had a rough weekend (still sick) and after an especially rough night Sunday after I'd made my "to do" list, I had to make an appt for him to make sure his stuffy nose and cough wasn't anything serious.

On top of that, Tom had called in sick because he had come down with the what we had last week! He slept all day and felt much better that evening. It actually worked out nicely since I was able to leave the kids home with him when I went to the dr first thing. He was konked out on the couch and I left Taylor to do her school while the boys played in their room. The dr said it his lungs were clear (Praise the Lord) and it was just a cold. She put him on something to help him sleep better. Last night he slept through the night like normal, it was great!

It was pushing it getting back home and to piano on time, but thankfully the kids had obeyed and were ready with their books when I pulled up. After that it was on to choir. I helped out and taught the younger ones a couple of new songs. It was fun to see everything in action.

Oh and then I went to Walgreens to get Aaron's prescription only to discover I'd left my purse at the church playground! Ugh. Back to the church and then back to Walgreens -- we finally got home about 4. I was done for at that point - I didn't even attempt my chore list. Instead I grabbed a few minutes on the couch with Tom. :)

Dinner was pot pies - hooray for stocking up on easy "in a pinch/don't feel like cooking" food. :) I made a half hearted grocery run after dinner and managed to check off my Lifeway errand too.

Today was more normal, Tom was well enough to go back to work and we did school together. It was our intention to get the chores done from yesterday, but it was just too nice out and the baby was much too cute. ;) Maybe tomorrow. :)

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