Friday, April 25, 2008


One of my lurkers made the comment that I'm so positive. It was such a nice thing to say. I've always thought of myself as a positive person, but day to day it can be hard. Looking back at my last few posts, I've been anything but!

Taking a cue from my fellow bloggers and friends, I've decided to start my 1,000 gifts list. Here's an excellent quote from Jenna about it:

I am determined to see beauty in the everyday, in the mundane, in the ordinary. I am determined to notice. I want to see all of the blessings that God has graced me with- showered me with. I want to praise Him for all of His goodness and not gripe about dirty laundry and spilled cheerios. - Jenna

Amen, sister!

I may still have a rant or two about overflowing toilets or peanut butter smeared cabinets, but hopefully next time, I'll see the humor in it more than the inconvenience and hug my kiddos tight. Because one day I'll wish for the days I had smudges on my front door, I'll wish that they were still so little!

The beautiful things I'm thankful for today:
1. a baby who is happy and giggly 97% of the time

2. the smell of the happy baby after his bath

3. playing Disney scene it together after bathtime

4. sick days where my sweetie is a little sick (more tired than anything) but takes a sick day just to be able to hang out with us all day

5. the super excitement of a 3 year old middle child to have "all alone even without Aaron time" with mommy

6. when I tell Brayden we're running back to the house for the camera, he responds with a knowing, "Ohhhh yeah." (funniest quote of the day!)

7. my hubby's old jeans that have holes in the rear so I have a better view. ;)

8. educational computer games

9. the sweetest daughter who tells me I'm the best mommy in the whole world and gives me lots of hugs and kisses to go with it

10. leftover pizza after a hang out with daddy (week)day

11. a clean house and only one more load of laundry to do!

12. kids who do an amazing job on the 10 minute pick up

13. blogging - my form of therapy :)

Thank you, Lord.

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