Saturday, April 19, 2008

My first garage sale!

This has been a looooong weekend already. Aimee, her friend Stacey and I had a garage sale at Aimee's house Friday and today. It went really well. Our mornings started at 6 and went until laaate. Like I said, Thursday I was up till 1 making pretzels for the kids to sell. Friday the Akins and us spent just about every waking moment together. Talk about bonding. lol Tom even came over after work to hang out with Eric and we watched Nancy Drew with the kids after dinner. Made it to bed "early", at 11, then back up at 5:30 am to start all over! Who knew sitting around all day gabbing with friends and selling stuff could be so exhausting!!?

The kids sold the pretzels and the cookies and lemonade the Akins make to earn money for summer camps. They did SO great! Every one is a sucker for kids! Especially when they're serenading you. Thank you Chandler. :P Everything sold out and they were rolling in "dough". ;)

Dirty boy. He told me it was dog poop! He was joking. :)

Our little entrepreneurs .
Goofing off between customers
This little girl was sooooo precious. She was insistent on touching Aaron's face even though her mom tried stop her. He ate up the attention as you can see. :) As if he's hurting for it!
This guy didn't get a nap, so I wasn't surprised to see him resting on the couch around 4. :) Playing is hard work!
They made over $60 just on Friday! My face matched Andrew's. :)
Divvying up the cash!
Saturday morning - the littles selling again. Andrew was gone with Eric on a canoe trip and Taylor had her soccer game (They won!!) I was not about to make 40 more pretzels, but I did make some muffins and cookies. As you can tell, Abi is Chandler's new crush. :P He told me the other day that he's just falling in love with Abi so he wants to see her all the time. What?? I really really don't encourage this!

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The Peacock Pearl said...

that reminds me, i had to stop chandler from cutting in line during choir when we were lining up to go "on stage"... he wanted to be by abi!!!! :)

Stephanie said...

Isabel and Uriah are going to be so sad when they find out. You'll have to break it to them gently.