Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Dirty kids

I have some of the dirtiest kids around. Yesterday they spent the better part of 5 hours outside climbing, jumping, running and generally eating dirt. The older two asked me to come out and see their antics on the monkey bars. Of course, I went one step further and brought my camera to record those antics for the ages.

Chandler's new trick - this and crossing all 6 of the monkey bars all by himself. It was quite a feat!

Taylor's not as brave, but she probably won't ever spend the night in ER for a broken leg either. :) (twice, I might add!)

It should be noted that the boys aren't normally sans the top half of their clothing. It was "hot", the hose was engaged to counter that and well, boys will be boys. :) Look at that dirty face!

This kid is going to be scarred for life from being manhandled by his two big brothers. :)

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Life with the Akin Clan said...

we missed you and your dirty kids today!

Vashey Fam said...

Dirty kids are fun! I've been trying to let Wyatt be one with nature. He just wants to make nature a meal!