Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Last post on Blogger

Blogger has been good to me. But now I'm on do newer, better things! :)

My genius husband has switched my blog to Wordpress - in blog world, it's the cutting edge ... at least that's what I'm told. :) While making all the required changes and updates, I wasn't able to blog over the weekend!! So hard!

Now it's ready to go - in all it's glory. It looks great and I had nothing to do with it! ;) A huge thank you to my wonderful hubby who spent hours finding a skin I liked, tweaking the layout, importing the archives and comments and generally doing it all, so all I'd have to do is a "moving" post. What a guy. :)

My new urls are www.reagh.org/wordpress OR www.thereaghfamily.com Please update your blogrolls accordingly. :) Don't want all the random clickers from your blogs to be sent to the old site! Also, all of you feed reader people will have to update too. And everyone else, make note to type in my new blog urls from now on - www.reagh.org/wordpress or www.thereaghfamily.com seems to be the easiest.

Thanks! Good-bye Blogger!

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