Wednesday, February 13, 2008

It's finally a frog!

Cross off animal science for the year off the school list! :) At the beginnging of the school year we aquired some tiny tadpoles from a mom at ELO, who apparently has a several mommy frogs living in her rain barrel. :) All year we've been feeding them and watching these suckers ever so slowly grow and I mean S-L-O-W-L-Y. It's supposed to take 6-8 weeks? Try 5 months! :) I knew that one had some tiny back legs for the past few weeks, then yesterday I was telling the kids they needed to change the tadpole water and looked down to see not a tadpole, but a frog! It's tail was gone and itsy bitsy front legs had appeared. We were all so excited.... I say we, and it sounds so silly, but I've fed this little guy since he was no bigger than a grain of rice. It's so amazing. Creation is pretty darn awesome. :)

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1 comment:

Stephanie said...

How fun. Just the other day I had to tap the container to make sure they were still alive. :p