Saturday, May 06, 2006

Hooray for Taylor!

Sorry for the delay getting this posted about - I've been so happy and excited with Tom home, I haven't had time for anything but him since he got home last night!! I was so sad without him!! He was in Dallas for job conference/class. He was gone for three whole days and I hated having him gone! I couldn't go to sleep without him...I was just so uncomplete without him. I have a friend who's husband travels quite a bit for work - I don't know how she does it!! It's was just awful. I'm so happy to have him home!! :)

Anyways, I didn't come to post about that! I had to brag about our speller bee champ!!

Taylor did so well yesterday!! She came in first place in her grade and third overall! She was fantastic! It was so cool to watch her. Everytime she'd get a word right she's look at me and grin really big. I'm so proud of her!

For a surprise we went to Booksamillion and she got to pick out any book she wanted. She was in heaven. This girl loves to read!! Then we all went and got ice cream to celebrate her victory. The ladies in Baskin Robbins made a big deal over her ribbon and told her she'd be like the homeschool kids that go to the national spelling bees and win first place! :) That really made her day. She told them that she's all ready for next year. Actually, she was ready for round 2 right when we left. She asked if we could have another one the next day with all the harder words! :)

On the way there we had prayed and asked God to help her do her very best. On the way home she said, "God helped me so much, Mommy! He wanted me to win third and I did!" Then she added "I'm so proud of God for helping me." lol... I can't make up this stuff. Taylor is the sweetest, most purehearted little girl. I thank God everyday for bringing her into my life. :) Posted by Picasa


Anonymous said...


Have you seen the national spelling bee documentary 'Spellbound'? It's put out by Scripps Howard in association with some movie company. It documents the trips of 8 (i think)different kids to the national Scripps Howard Spelling Bee. Quite inspiring! We liked it, fun to watch, but it's one of those movies you don't really enjoy the second time around.........I'd recommend it. Also, there's a new movie out, Akeelah and the Bee, but I haven't seen it.

Kate said...

Yay!!!! Good job, Taylor! That is so exciting!! =) I was praying for you, too. =) God is awesome!