Saturday, May 20, 2006

Fun day at the lake

Dana imed late last night and asked if we wanted to go to Gladewater lake with them today. We did, and what fun!!! We swam, ate a picnic lunch, swam, and swam even more. It's always fun to hang out with friends. I'd never been to this lake, but it was so cool, we'll definitely be going back often! If fact, Steph and I were talking about going tomorrow... :-) that's all I need... more sun! :) I don't burn that bad though, thank goodness. Time for aloe vera! See ya!

1 comment:

The Peacock Pearl said...

i don't usually burn either, but i was so hurried to get the kids in that i didn't put any sunscreen on MY back, so .... OUCH! aloe vera is my friend! you can tell where i missed a couple spots on annabelle too, poor girl!