Saturday, March 29, 2008

Random things

Praise God, we seem to be well now, save for a few lingering runny noses and coughs. That sick feeling I had Thursday turned into a definite something different from the flu! I was nauseous all day Thurs and yesterday I was vomiting so much I became severely dehydrated. No good. It was violent but quick, thank God. I was able to get rehydrated and felt better this morning. Hopefully, no one else will get it!

This has been such a rough week, I forgot to tell about the sweets we received from Tom! The Kopoha bar is from Ukraine and the big box and other three bars are from Holland. (They had a layover in Amsterdam.) The kids were thrilled with their exotic chocolate and my box was just beautiful with all the inlay of different chocolate! What a treat!

Almost to pretty to eat.... I said almost!

The scene on Wednesday - so sick and watching Enchanted... our new favorite movie. :)

Ittle dittle is 3 months old, yesterday in fact! I looked up at midnight last night and realised I'd let the day slip past without "celebrating" with him. I scooped him up from his crib and sang to him. He just looked at me sleepily. It was so sweet. This picture is from Thursday, I didn't get any from the actual day. He's had several near laughs... he talks and coos so much now. He sits up great in his bumbo seat. He loves to dance with Daddy and listen to Chandler read to him. He lets Taylor put her doll hats on him and puts up with Brayden's rough ways. He loves being outside and grins at anyone who talks to him. I love my baby boy.

Life is getting back to normal now with all the sickness ending and us settling in to being home and together again. Today was spent at soccer games, doing some housework, rearranging the living room and getting the laundry done. It felt great to be productive again.

I'm still soaking up having my hubby around. I can't put into words the elation I felt going to pick him up Sunday night. I was as giddy as the first time we met, I couldn't stop shaking. The whole first night he was home, I couldn't stop tearing up and saying over and over " I'm so glad you're home!" He brought me flowers on Wednesday and it was such a loving, genuine gesture, I got weepy all over again. I am incredibly blessed to have such a wonderful, caring husband by my side. I love him with all my heart and cherish him beyond words.

Ok, I'm done with all the mushy stuff. :) Gotta go get the dishes done!

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1 comment:

Vashey Fam said...

Isn't it nice to have the hubby home!? I actually *want* to feed him and do his laundry! :o)