Friday, November 30, 2007


I did it! For breakfast I decided to try something I've been thinking about for a long time. (I think about weird things) :) I successfully recreated the only thing I eat from McD's: the Sausage, Egg and Cheese McGriddle. Mine isn't very pretty, but boy it tasted good! It was much better than the original seeing as I used fresh ingredients and homemade pancakes. It turns out getting the syrup into the pancakes isn't such a mystery after all... just squeeze some onto the doughy side before turning. Easy. The kids didn't like the idea of the sandwich - they preferred all the components separate. :) Silly kids. For this one I used a canning jar ring to make it the proper size, but it was too much trouble and I quickly dispensed with that. Plus, making them regular pancake size makes your sandwich bigger! :)
Getting everything done at the same time to be able to have everything still warm when they were assembled was a bit chaotic and now my kitchen looks like a breakfast bomb went off in it. hehe Good times.

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Anonymous said...

You know how to make swoon A. *drool*


Stephanie said...

Great, now you should make my favorite - bacon (heavy on the bacon), cheese (heavy on the cheese) and egg biscuit. Hmmmmmm.