Friday, November 02, 2007

Harvest bread day

Our church's annual Old Fashioned Family Day is tomorrow! We're all very excited. It's very comical to look outside and see the my kids jumping across the yard in pillow cases. They were practicing for the sack races! :) In addition to the regular pie contest, there's a new "Harvest bread" cater gory! That includes, pumpkin, apple, zucchini or anything "harvesty". Of course, I had to throw my hat in the ring! I made my best ever batch of pumpkin bread to enter -- I've been perfecting it for weeks. ;) The kids wanted to enter too - Taylor said the pie contest, but I suggested going with bread her first time around. Waaaay easier. lol

We took the day off formal school to have a baking day - but I totally counted the day as a school day. It's fractions and chemistry, people! Not to mention the politically incorrect home economics. ;) Taylor made Double Chocolate Zucchini Bread. I was so proud of her. She helps a lot in the kitchen, but it was her first time to go it alone. She did such a great job! She followed my verbal directions for preparing the zucchini and then read and followed the recipe. She was so funny, she kept asking what was next or how much of something and I'd have to remind her that she had the recipe, not me! I was just there to supervise and take pictures. :)

Chandler's going to make Apple Spice Bread, but we haven't gotten to that yet. I'll update accordingly. :)

Peeling the zucchini with help from the boys.

The food processor makes things so much easier.

The boys were all too eager to help sprinkle on the chocolate chips. :)

My ghetto oven with no knobs. lol

I told Taylor that she made the mess, she had to clean it up. She wasn't crazy about that part of baking. :) I'm the same way - growing up my dad called me the messy cook. I'd go in and make something and walk out with the kitchen looking like a bomb had gone off. :)

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1 comment:

Jaime said...

How fun! It looks like you guys had fun. And, yay for Taylor making the entire recipe all by herself! That's awesome! Everything sounds yummy!

I thought about you this week having no kiddos and I wondered how you fared. :-) I would've been the same way--excited to have time along (or with hubby), but missing the kids like crazy. It's weird. :-)