Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Knock, knock

Brayden loves telling knock knock jokes. He'll say "Mommy!" like he's about to say something really important and then the conversation goes something like this...

Brayden: "Mommy!"
Me: "What Brayden?" (interested)
Brayden: "Ummmm... knock, knock."
Me: "Who's there?"
Brayden: "Boo"
Me: "Boo who?"
Brayden: "Don't cry, it's only me!"

That's his favorite one. It's also the only punch line he knows. So the rest of his jokes end up going something like this...

Brayden: "Knock knock"
Me: "Who's there?"
Brayden: "Diego!" (grinning like he has a new joke)
Me: "Diego who?"
Brayden: "Don't cry, it's only me!"

It always gets a good laugh out of us even though we know what's coming, because he thinks it's so hilarious. :)

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