Friday, June 22, 2007


I've had THREE migraines in one week. As in: vision impairing, nauseating, head splitting, turn-off-all-the-lights-and-groan-on-the-couch migraines. (such a hoot when you remember I have 4 kids running around!!) Tylenol is just a joke at this point. Anyone have any natural remedies they'd like to share?? I'd be forever grateful!


The Peacock Pearl said...

Niacin is good for (diagnosed) migraines... it opens up the blood vessels, but i'm not sure if it's ok when pregnant.
Otherwise make sure you are taking your iron, i used to get Migraine-like headaches (headspliting, turnoffallthelightsandmoanonthecouch) and once i started taking alot of iron they stopped completely.

Anonymous said...

If you want to go herbal:

Go to the site and click 'need a remedy' on the right sidebar. Scroll down till you find migraines. When you click on an herb listed, you'll jump to a page with helpful information about usage.
Make sure you go far enough to check for safety during pregnancy.

You could also go to the Granary (health food store) and talk to Jeff, he can tell you what to do.

One last idea: if you do go to the Granary, you can look into Traditional Medicinal tea.

Just be sure to check for pregnancy safety in anything you try.

I've had a couple migraines lately and I'm going to try lemon balm. check out the bulk herb store.

Hope this helps!