Friday, June 08, 2007

Exciting news!

I've sent out mass emails, ecards and put this news on myspace and facebook, but somehow I neglected my poor little blog and a few of you might not know.......... THAT WE'RE HAVING A BABY!! :) We're so happy and excited. I'm due sometime early January. That puts every stinking one of our kids' birthdays within three weeks of Christmas!! I'm telling ya, March is a VERY fertile month for us. ;)

The first two weeks were great! I thought I was going to get through the first trimester no problem. Then the day of the Memorial day party, it all came crashing down on me. I took three naps that day, while getting ready for company! I have a GREAT husband though and he did the bulk of the preparation.

Ever since then I've been insanely tired and nauseated, so the past two weeks have not been fun. I'm hoping that it passes very soon, with summer getting into full swing. This week was spent taking Taylor back and forth to Le Tourneau for soccer camp every day. I had to keep my glove box stocked with pb crackers just so I'd survive the drive. :) Then I'd collapse on the couch as soon as I got home. I feel like such a baby, but it really has been quite a bit worse than with the boys... maybe I'm having a girl! That's what Taylor and I are praying for. :)

I'll keep everyone posted.


Stephanie said...

I feel for you! :)

Jaime said...

Yea, yea, yea! Congratulations!

Kate said...

Yay!! Congratulations! Someone said something on their blog about you trying on maternity clothes, so I wondered! I checked your blog and you hadn't said anything yet. =P Anyway YAY!! Winter is a good time to have a baby. Even four. =)