Friday, June 15, 2007

Rain rain, go away!

It's hard to put these pictures in perspective unless you've been to our house and seen what a trickle this creek is normally. To see the creek you have to walk to the back fence and look down.... and now look at it! I could see it from my kitchen window!! It was a tad bit scary. :) It was flowing soooo fast and there was so much debris... it's the sort of thing you hear about kids drowning because they were playing by it. (who really lets their kids play in a thunderstorm??)

This and the net pic are of the creek by the bridge where our road goes over it. It was just about street level. Again, normally a tiny trickle 10 feet below the bridge.....

It looks like it's just about to come up into our backyard. It nearly did too.

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Stephanie said...

OH MY GOODNESS! WOW! I think it's crazy that it left as quick as it came. I would have been a bit freaked too.

Jaime said...

Wow! That's crazy! That's a lotta wotta! It poured here, too!