Monday, May 26, 2008

Last minute festivities

Those are always the best. We had absolutely no special plans for the long weekend. We were going to have a nice long relaxing weekend with nothing at all to do. The only thing on my agenda was to get my room picked up. :P

Just after we'd walked in from church yesterday we got a call from Stephanie. "I've got good news!" she was absolutely bubbling, "our life group is all coming to your house for a party!!" I can hear her smiling through the telephone. Then she snorts. She always snorts when she's happy. Parties make my best friend ridiculously happy. :)

I love parties too, I just don't like getting ready for them.... especially in 3 hours! Toss out the nothing to do all weekend. :) I was stressing out for the first 15 minutes, wondering why in the world I can't say no to my snorting friend. But my freak out passed and it was all good. The house got clean and everyone was thoroughly impressed with my mad, on-the-fly hostessing skilz. ;)

I was SOOOO glad we did it. Not only did my house get clean in record time, it turned out to be the best evening! We had so much fun. I've decided there needs to be more words in the dictionary that mean fun because I use that word far too often... because it's just the only word there is like it! We had a gay time? No, that doesn't work anymore. ;) Ooh, Merry. Eh. I'll just have make one up someday. Jolly. Ripping! Ok, getting side tracked here.

Tom and the guys threw some meat on the grill like the alpha males that they are.
After some pretty oppressive Texas heat during the day, it cooled off perfectly after dinner to sit outside in the shade while the kids played in the water.

I think Josh's face says it all. Look up the definition for fun in the dictionary... this picture will be next to it. ;)

The evening reminded me of older times. Better times. Slow nights of lemonade, front porches and rocking chairs. Neighbors. Quiet conversation and evenings by the fire.

Then the guys broke out wii mario kart. And the spell was broken. :)

At least us ladies were still in keeping with the pace of the evening with a quiet board game.

The best part of this story is that it was just the beginning of our weekend of FUN...........


Stephanie said...

I laughed through your post. But how dare you tell the whole world I snort! :) And it's so true isn't it just how excited I get over a party.

Vashey Fam said...

Oh yes, it was a jolly, ripping good time! I loved every minute of it and you were a smashing good hostess!

taylor, your daughter said...

taylor reagh said,
I helped you a bunch, thanks