Sunday, August 05, 2007

This is all a cruel joke, right??

I pride myself on the facts that my house stays pretty darn clean most of the time, my kids aren't terrors who color on walls and that I supervise my kids with an eagle eye 97.8% of the time. It's a huge blow to my ego when something like THIS happens.

Someone please explain to me how in the time it takes me to have *ahem* my turn in the bathroom, a two year old can do this kind of damage!!??

Brand new shorts btw.....

Taylor's super cute WHITE vanity table....

And her princess TV.

There is humor here, I know it. I just. can't. see. it.

In other news, all nail polish and brightly colored cosmetics of any kind formerly in Taylor's room are now in the trash. Any tips for getting nail polish off furniture, electronics and clothing????

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1 comment:

Stephanie said...

As Ms Hannagan says on Annie ... KiLL KILL KILL! :)

My motto should be ... This will make a great story someday. :)