Friday, August 03, 2007

Best $12 I've ever spent!

This thing is awesome. The kids have been outside for going on 3 hours... and have not run back inside even once! (I'm keeping a sharp eye out on Brayden through the window, btw!) It takes me back to my summers, being locked outside with nothing but our imaginations, the hose and an old canoe. Guess what we did??

I'm off to take them lunch, which they've seem to have forgotten all about! They'll eat in the shade and then continue on with their engrossing waterplay. It's so fun to see my kids getting to live the great things I remember from my childhood. And hey, I'm getting some major blog reading housework done! :)

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Stephanie said...

I think the whole cross it out thing is so cute. How do you do that? Scratch that. If it's too detailed you might as well forget it. Maybe the next time we're together you can show me.

Flawed And Disorderly said...

You are too cool! I tried to leave a comment under the post where you plugged my blog, but my computer wouldn't let me for some reason. Anyway, I definitely write about the daily mundane things. I'm glad if people can see some humor in it! =) Thanks again!!! Have a happy weekend!