Tuesday, October 25, 2005

Yummy fall flavors!

This is my absolute favorite time of the year! The smells, the colors and oh the flavors of fall!! Fuzzy sweaters, a crackling fire, anticipation of all the holidays coming up... there's nothing better! Tonight is life group at the Crowe's and I'm bringing snacks. I'm going all out fall with pumpkin bread, homemade apple cider, chex mix, and hot cocoa! Yummy!

This cold front caught me by surprise for some reason. I've been looking forward to it for so long, but here it is and my little kiddos had nothing to wear! I had to run out to Target last night to get them some warm clothes just so we could go to Walmart for groceries without being accused of child neglect! My boys are just the right sizes to get matching outfits! Aren't they cute?? I'm a little prejudiced, but all through Walmart people were ooohing and aaaahing over them.... so there must be something to it!

A great idea for little kids if you have a fireplace is to roast marshmallows and make s'mores! If you don't have one you can roast them in your oven on broil. We did this the first night it was cold and the kids had a blast!

I've been meaning to do this craft with the kids, but haven't yet. I think it's a great idea... you've probably heard of it, but you take a pine cone and spread peanut butter all over it then roll it in bird seed. Hang it outside and take up bird watching with your kids. :)

Chandler just asked me to show the picture of him in his new Bob the Builder pj's. :) Here you go... see my pretty fall/Thanksgiving decorations in the background!? I love fall decorating. :) We're making a thanksgiving tree today in school to add to our decor - I'm going to make a big tree trunk and branches out of construction paper, and cut out leaves from all different colors and then we'll write things on the leaves that we're thankful for! Growing up, my family did this every Thanksgiving. We also made pictures of pilgrims and indians. We had this one book all about how to do all sorts of stuff with cutouts of your hands... use them for hair for a pilgrim girl, feathers for an indian man, feathers on the back of a turkey... etc, etc. Making paper decorations for Thanksgiving brings back a lot of great family memories. It's a tradition I want to carry on with my own family and give my kids the gift of wonderful memories.

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