Wednesday, October 12, 2005

This is from our trip to dallas. Chandler was having a grand time at McD's! Picassa just made some great updates, but I'm still unsure how you post pictures together the same post without having to find each file..... Posted by Picasa


The Peacock Pearl said...

this playround looks familiar, is it the one in canton?? or somewhere around there??

Adriana said...

It's in Dallas on Lemmon Drive. It was close to the dealership where we got the Durango. I took the kids there while Tom did all the paperwork. :)

I just love Chandler's fearlessness.... he so much like I was as kid. In that pic he's going down really fast on his belly wearing a very slippery jacket... and he loves it! The the look on his face is so great. :)

Kate said...

You can put more than one picture in a post from the page in Blogger where you're actually writing the post. I don't think you can do it from Picasa or Hello.