Monday, October 31, 2005

Meet my new little sister!

This is my mom with Suzannah. She is my new sister! Suzannah is two and was born with cerebral palsy. She was from a sibling group DHS took away from a couple living in their car and on all sorts of drugs. It's a really sad story. She's been in the Children's Hospital in Tulsa ever since she was taken away from her biological parents, over a year ago. My family has been visiting her everyday for months now, caught in all sorts of red tape to get her placed with them. DHS has some sort of rule about foster care that they won't place with any family that has over 6 kids. So they're trying to get her transferred to the cherokee nation from DHS so that she can get out of the hospital to the family that loves her!! When they get her, it will foster care at first and they will adopt as soon as it's possible. It's not official yet, but I wanted to share. :)

1 comment:

Stephanie said...

You've got a great family. What an outreach to adopt and love kids with special needs. Hope it all works out. It was neat to see her picture.