Monday, October 10, 2005

Check these girls out!

I have to let everyone know about this Christian girl band, Barlow Girl. I've known about them for awhile, but just recently was able to listen to the whole cd. These three sisters from Illinois speak about purity, not dating, modesty, self-image issues, not conforming, and many other things the teens of this world deal with today.

The first song I ever heard was Never Alone. I loved it!! When I heard it on the radio I thought I was listening to Evanescence, who despite their negative attitude about being a Christian band, have awesome vocals and music.

When I got a hold of the whole cd, I listened to the other songs and I was almost a little disappointed that more of the album didn't follow the Evanescence vein, then I came to the song, She Walked Away. I was sobbing by the end of this beautiful song. It was like it was written about me. I'm aware that's the most cliche thing you can say about a song, but it's the only way to describe it. From my feelings of being trapped and wanting my independence to the gut wrenching pain I put my family through as they prayed fervently for my return, it was so right on. I could only weep for joy at the end of the song as the question is asked, how will this story end? God mercifully granted my family's prayers and I did return to my faith! Praise God for all He's done!

Now, I don't want you to think that these two songs are the only good songs on this album. Every one of the tracks on Barlow Girl is phenomenal lyrically, and though the lyrics outperform the music in a few songs (Average Girl, Clothes), I doubt most of their target audience will even notice it. This cd needs to be listened to by every teenager in America. Barlow Girl has managed to grab the truth and record it for today's youth to examine.

Ok, I just came from the Girls' site, and I may be a bit behind, but they have their second album out and it sounds awesome! I can't wait to get it!

Visit their website -


The Peacock Pearl said...

I love their song never alone (and I also love evanesence). i had read some reviews about the rest of the album on a couple websites that match your opinion: that the music doesn't quite keep up with the lyrics, but i'm eager to see what the second album will bring.

Adriana said...

Evanescence rocks! I'm sort of puzzled by the comments they've made about being a "Christian" band, but it doesn't stop me from enjoying their music. I've branched out a bit now, but I used to listen to it so much that Chandler still asks a lot play "Wake me up"... eeesh, I'm not sure if I want a goth on my hands... :)

Kate said...

Cool! I went to their site and I want to hear their music now! I never listened to them because I thought the name was cheesy. =)

The Peacock Pearl said...

i think what i read was that the guys met the girl at a christian camp (he heard her singing and thought it was the most beautiful voice) but i don't think they've ever said they were a christian band. but in the words of somebody (i can't remember) there is no christian music, only christian lyrics. it's like with movies you have to be descerning of what you will be listening to.