Thursday, December 27, 2007

Snow in Texas!

I realised I'm very behind posting pictures! Merry Late Christmas, btw!! More on that in another post. I have lots of pictures to get posted before the baby comes! Which I hope is today! I've been contracting regularly all morning after a whole evening and night semi regularly. We had somewhat of a false alarm last Friday - It was more like we had decided to let a nurse friend help me *ahem*... progress. :-P I'd been contracting off and on and I was ready to have a baby! But then all the stuff I needed to do hit me - like give the house a good scrub down, get a bag packed and baby clothes washed AND we had Taylor's recital that day... not to mention, Christmas was rapidly approaching!! So I changed my mind. :) But not before word had spread like wild fire!! Sorry Dana! Thanks so much for the baby stuff and diapers though! It was really funny. I only told one person and in a few hours my mother in law was getting calls from coworkers out of state about her having a new grandbaby! :)

Anywho, here's some pictures from over a week ago. Our good friends and neighbors the Johnson's "make" snow by misting water from an air compressor overnight when it goes below freezing. The result is a fair amount of "snow" all over their front yard the next morning. Cool, huh? The kids had a blast. It's the only snow they'll be seeing this year, I'm sure! I sent the camera with them, and these are some of the shots they captured.

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