Saturday, November 04, 2006

Old Fashioned Family Day!

Not much to tell since I'll explain all the pictures in the album. (Over there on the right) It was a blast of course and so much fun to be in charge of the pie contests and get to judge! I'm so critical by nature it was easy to judge. The thing is, I was comparing all the pies I tasted to my mom's pie and there just isn't any pie that comes close!! There were three this year with cream cheese swirled or layered... it was a nice change. Drew Farrell's was my favorite and I guess that was the consensus of all the judges, because he won first place! Good Job, Drew!

It was super cool to not be making a pie this year. I like the competition aspect, but hate the hassle and stress. Runs to walmart, Target, a soccer game and getting out to the farm by three is enough going on in one day for me! :)

I've been fighting a sore throat and stuffy nose all day. I couldn't let it slow me down, so I tanked up on caffeine and took dayquil every 4 hours on the dot. :) Now it's all crashing -- the meds aren't working anymore and the late night/early morning/long day is catching up to me. I can barely keep my eyes open right now. I'm cold, my feet hurt and I feel HORRIBLE! lol I'm off to down some NIGHTquil and tuck myself into a warm bed with my hubby. :) Hopefully, I'll feel much better in the morning! Night! Posted by Picasa


Jaime said...

I love the pictures! What a neat and fun idea--the Family Fun Day. I love it!

Stephanie said...

Next year you should come! :)

Anonymous said...

God bless you Adriana! The pics are a treasure and it is such a joy just knowing you and your family. I so love to watch all you young moms and remember for myself the not-so-long-ago season of my own life with little ones. Thanks for sharing!

Anonymous said...

You're so sweet. Thanks, Pam. I love you!