Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Oh what a day!

It all started rushing from piano to get to storytime at the library on time - midway there I realized I didn't have a bottle for Piper. I ran home and still couldn't find it. So at that point storytime was scrapped and off to walmart we went so that Piper could eat!

After walmart I decided to go vote so that I wouldn't have to wait in line around the lunch rush. I went to Pine Tree HS first as that was the logical polling place for where we live. So after getting all the necessary strollers and diapers bags out and everyone inside, I was told I was in the wrong place because I'd never changed my address when we moved! :-P

Tom had told me that anyone could vote at the courthouse and since that was right by the library I went there next. I was determined to vote! I was going to do my civic duty, if it killed me. And after two flights of stairs two ways with a stroller and a toddler in tow, it sure felt like it was going to kill me! :) Again I was in the wrong place.

I finally made it to G.K. Foster and once again we all paraded in. This this time we FINALLY got to vote. :) The electronic ballots are super cool... though I've heard on fox news that there's some question on how accurate they are! (scary thought!!) Anyways, the kids had fun at the courthouse, the fountain and the preview of the Christmas decorations was almost worth the hassle. I said almost. :)

We got to the library about 12:30, but I was so worn out I said to heck with it and decided we could get more books another day. :) The kids had really been so patient and good the whole time so we went to Chickfila for a treat. :)

We got back home about 2:30 - School crossed my mind in a sinking feeling sort of way, but then I shrugged. We had a civics lesson while we voted and in the car to and from all the polling places so that counts as school for the day in my book!!

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