Wednesday, June 14, 2006

Tom thinks I'm going to give the boys a complex by dressing them alike so much. :) I think it's cute. lol

Chandler's my little water baby. He's always loved the water and this year he's pretty much taught himself to swim! He loves going under and kicking his legs. I showed him how to doggie paddle and he's thrilled about that too. :)

Chandler and his friend, JoJo.
This is under a mushroom thingy that water flows over. Brayden wasn't too crazy about getting splashed in the face. :) Posted by Picasa


Jaime said...

You're a good Mommy--I hate to get my hair wet!

Stephanie said...

You forgot to mention that Chandler was choking and the life guard was just watching him to tell him not to hang on the rope! Silly lady.