Sunday, June 11, 2006

Ooooo ooooo

(Like the excited sound you make when you just remembered something exciting) Yeah, I'm really lame. :)

FYI for anyone in the Longview area who doesn't attend CCC -- Our church is having VBS next week!! Check out the church's website for more info. It's going to be so great! If nothing else, we'll have great snacks!! (I'm in charge of snacks) lol... I was just kidding about the if nothing else part.... there'll be plenty of great stuff besides that. :)

The Forringer's met us at the pool today and we got to pass out quite a few VBS flyers. It was neat. Most seemed very receptive. I passed out a few here in our neighborhood this evening. I finished with Johnson's since I knew I'd end up visiting. I got to meet Tanya's mom and niece and nephews who are visiting. We ended up staying for homemade ice cream and singing. We ended up watching a Fernando Ortega concert dvd I'd borrowed from Bruce. When I discovered they were all fans, I ran home to get it. It's nice having such great friends as neighbors! We got home around midnight. :) I love nights like that. Too bad I have to be up so early for worship team pratice! I have to be there at 8... yippee. :-P

So I feel really guilty about posting but not putting up all the long overdue pics. I hate getting behind on blog posting. That's why I didn't want this thing... just something else I have to keep up with. lol

I'll post the barrage of pics first thing after church, promise! :)


Jaime said...

Hey, I know the Johnsons. I officially met Tanya at a women's retreat our church had. They used to go to Fellowship Bible Church, which is where we go now. Jeremiah and Marcie played at Fellowship and Don played the drums, I think...maybe the keyboard? What a small world!!

Stephanie said...

And again, it continues to get smaller and smaller! :) Let's play the Kevin Bacon game!

The Peacock Pearl said...

i'm not very good at that game :)