Sunday, June 04, 2006

Return of the Curse of the Sickos

I'm lying here on my death bed with the laptop, penning my last clog entry. This is the end. The utter and complete end. I feel like I'm dying. Seriously.

Please pray for us. Brayden and I are throwing up.. with other unmentionable symtoms of a very very bad virus.



Kate said...

Prayin'!! Hope you feel better soon!

The Peacock Pearl said...

ACK! is that why tom and the kids weren't there?? hopefully we won't end up with a sunday school group of throwing up kids... EEEEK!

Stephanie said...

OH NO!!! I'm so sorry. I don't want you to die. :) I would be sad. :( I just sent you an email asking you if you wanted life group at your house this week. I guess the answer is NO! :) Did the Johnsons get sick too? Will some really great cheesecake cheer you up?

Adriana said...

I KNOW!! The only one at home sick was Brayden and I felt totally fine! I feel horrible about it. I thought of calling in because of brayden, but it was our last sunday together... sniff.

Anyways,Brayden seems totally fine except for when he throws up. I on the other hand am only fine WHEN I throw up... it's the only thing that relieves my aching tummy.

This doesn't seem to be the 24 hr, throw up once and you're good strain... it's bad, oh so very bad.

And since I'm up commenting, guess what I just did?? blah.

I'm really sorry about the kids. :(

Adriana said...

Not that I know of.. I need to call them. I wondered about asking her oldest to help me tomorrow with the kids. But I sure woudlnt' want her to get sick and pass it around to all of the,! But it was hard enough today with Tom being here. I don't know how I'll do it alone. I'm not looking forward to it. :-P

lori said...

dang...sorry bout you feelin' sick. it's prolly cause of all the stuff that isn't on your diet that you ate saturday. okay i doubt it but there has to be some reasonable explanation. i hope you get to feelin' you gal.

Anonymous said...

Last sunday? WHAT! Could somebody
please 'xplain?

Adriana said...

Art told me that this past Sunday was last day of Sunday School for the kids. We're taking the summer off and resuming in the fall. Did you now know??

Adriana said...

NOT know* :)

Anonymous said...

OK, I knew we were taking 6 weeks off. Whew...I'm sure gld y'all aren't leaving! =P

Adriana said...

Well, I won't be teaching in the fall. I really enjoyed it, but worship team it was too much of a strain on me and my family.

I'm glad I get to work in the children's church ministry, because I was going to miss working with the kids!