Friday, March 24, 2006

Today is a GREAT day!

Thank you God for such a wonderful, stress free day! I've implemented a new chore chart and schedule. I'm NOT a schedule person, but it's nice to have a general guide as to what should be done what day and a ballpark of when. :) It ensures everything gets done throughout the week and maintaining picked up house is so much easier if it's clean!!!! And vice versa for that matter. :) It's all just working so well!

The kids have chores and Taylor's been loving it. (they always have, just not assigned ones on a chart) She is such a big help to me as it is but she's always wanting to help even more. Trying to get it done faster in the past, I've always done all the housework myself. Taylor loves that everyday she has one big task and several small daily duties. It makes her feel important. She's always checking the chart and reminding me of what she needs to do next! Here she is unloading the dishwasher while I was making breakfast. :)

Chandler is doing well on his also - he made his whole bed this morning without being told and checked it off the list all by himself. Though for longer jobs he continually asks when it's time to be done and play. He's just like his Uncle Jo!! :) He liked the waffles this morning - they're Ice Age waffles. He was couldn't believe it when he asked for them and I said yes. ("Really mommy? We can take them home, really???") We buy eggo's anyways, why not get the fun ones. :)

And yet another picture of my little cheeseball :) I still haven't cut his hair. :-P I just can't do it!

1 comment:

Kate said...

Cute!! I can't wait for Em to unload dishes. =) The other night, I made burritos and she dumped everything but the lard into the bowl to make tortillas. She was so proud of herself.