Monday, March 06, 2006

Ballet fun... er, fiasco

What a adventure. lol First of all, let me day that I successfully found the tea party location (Tyler Junior College Student Center) and navigated Tyler to get to the mall, Chili's and Walmart without incident on Saturday. I assumed the ballet was at the TJC campus also. I was wrong. We parked and walked all over the campus looking for the Caldwell Auditorium. Hot, sweaty and frustrated, I called Tom at home to see if he could google this thing and find out where the heck it was.

"You're at the wrong campus, Caldwell Auditorium is at the UT Tyler campus" he said.

So across town we went - remember, I know nothing of Tyler - but with the address Tom gave me it was easy enough to find. Walking up to the the building that he said it would be in, we were already suspicious about the lack of cars there. The lady at the door told us that she didn't know anything about a ballet, but the Caldwell auditorium was downtown!!

(Still not sure why Tom thought that it was at UT Tyler)

Anyway, fastforward another frustrated phone call and driving back across town, we got there during the first intermission and got to see two of the three acts. The girls were fine with that and I was just happy to find to find the darn thing. :)

What was great about this was that though I was unsure of the location of ballet, I never was actually lost. I'd printed out a small map for Saturday and of course I forgot it Sunday, but having the image already in my head I had a good sense of where I needed to go once I got a street name associated with it. I owe that to my dad who gave me his UPS-man inborn sense of direction. It comes in handy sometimes. Thanks, Dad. :)

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