Wednesday, January 02, 2008

Day One

Tom went back to work today, so it was day 1 of having 4 kids..... ALONE. It was great actually. A very relaxing day. And we even had to get out for an appointment this morning by 9! I think it was because I didn't have two toddlers running around. :) It's really a huge laugh to think of 4 being daunting - I'm so used having 5! Conlan and Piper were great conditioning! Adding a very quiet, sleepy newborn to the mix is a breeze!

It was also Aaron's first day out. I had an appt with the Good Shepherd lactation consultant at 9, which went really well. Getting out the door in 15 min after sleeping in was pretty painless, but breakfast wasn't happening so after the appt we headed to our favorite place - Chickfila - for a late breakfast. Taylor had said she didn't like it for breakfast because you don't eat chicken for breakfast. Boy is she wrong! After having one, she admitted that the chicken biscuit is quite good and very acceptable for breakfast. :)

Afterwards we went to Burlington in search of a nursing stool. They didn't have one, but I found some really cute outfits for Aaron. :)

I went back to the consultant to buy the stool from her because I knew she had it and I didn't feel like driving all over Longview looking for one $2 cheaper. At that point I was wiped out and we headed home where I promptly ensconced myself on the loveseat, fed Aaron and didn't move except to walk to the bed for a nap and then back to the loveseat to nurse again. Breastfeeding is a lovely excuse to sit on my butt all day. :)

Today was totally the exception to my rule of staying down for at least 2 weeks to bond with Aaron and get a good start in nursing him. He's such a good baby! He never cries unless he's being changed. The only downside to having a good baby is how laid back he is about nursing. I have to make him eat. I nurse every hour because he goes in such short bursts. The loveseat has become my " nursing throne" with a table for my water, all the baby's stuff in reach and now it's complete with a footstool. It's important for me to get a really good foundation nursing this time around. With Brayden I didn't take time to build up my milk supply and I dried up after only 3 months. It's easy when Tom's here and surprisingly not much harder when he's not. The kids are a great help and they're all very independent. Taylor made sandwiches for lunch and Brayden laid down for his nap on his own.

Yeah, this 4 kid thing is easy peasy! ;)

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