Friday, October 19, 2007

Say it ain't so!!

This bedrest thing has gotten so old SO quickly. I know it's for the health of the baby and the best thing for both of us, so I'm enduring. It's been an enormous blessing to have mom here. She's been so amazing - I feel guilty sometimes, it's been hard to "let go" and just allow her to help me. I don't know what I'd have done without her.

On the upside, the time I've been able to spend one on one with each of the kids has been so nice. I also have had much more time to spend in the Word - what a refreshing thing! So, it hasn't been all bad.

On Wed I went for my weekly appt. It went very well. Everything looked great and the baby is doing wonderfully. My latest test was also negative - the second one since my hospital stay - which is great news. My dr and I had talked about if the test was negative that I would possibly get off bedrest(!!) so when I heard the results on Thursday, I spend the rest of the day out of bed and most of today running errands.... BY MYSELF! thinking I was off bedrest! I was beside myself with excitement. I even got to take the kids this morning to the fire station field trip! THEN I talked again to my dr and she wants me to stay down until Tues, when I have my sonogram for them to get a better look at the state of my uterus. (Lovely I know!) So you can imagine what a huge blow it was to me! I was just crushed. It was so hard to get back on the couch. I didn't at first - Mom finally called Tom and said he'd have to take my keys away because I wouldn't lie down. :) I did though and a good thing probably. I had lots of contractions this evening. :-P

On top of that roller coaster of emotions and drama, we had an ER run to top it all off! The tooth that has been bothering me for about a week decided at precisely 5 oclock Friday evening to start hurting so badly, I was curled in the fetal position praying for a migraine instead of a toothache. We ended up in the ER just to get some sort of relief to get me by until Monday. Oh what a day.

We have a whirlwind weekend ahead of us, Tomorrow: soccer tournament for Taylor, games at 10, 2 and 5; friends coming to stay the night at 6 or so; ladies night out at Aimee's at 6; and Sunday: church and a potluck here at our house! Whew. I'm tired just thinking of it. And I'm still on bedrest. Whoopee. ;)


The Peacock Pearl said...

well silly girl... you can't just go crazy if you do get off bedrest then you'll just end up back where you started! EASE back into things, build endurance (for your body, we know your brain and will is ready to run, but your body isn't) the reason things look good with the baby is BECAUSE of the rest you've been getting :) steady wins the race! ok enough reprimand... i bet it felt WONDERFUL to get up and move!!!! ;)

Anonymous said...

The e-mail address I have for you bounced. FYI reel halloween at our house sat. 27th. BOYC (bring your own chair) :)

Anonymous said...

Woo hoo! Talk about timing -- I got off bedrest TODAY!!! And the kids will be in Oklahoma so we don't even have to get a sitter. I'm so excited!