Friday, July 20, 2007

Baby Reagh

Here's the first pictures of our little one. The ultrasound went great... everything checked out and my due date is Jan 13th -- My sister, Hannah's birthday! She's very excited about that. Of course, that's the day before Brayden's birthday! I was estimating about a week earlier, so it's a bit of a mental setback. :) I liked saying I was 4 months already! hehe

As far as boy/girl goes..... it could still go either way, but my very educated opinion is that I was seeing BOY parts! The technician agreed with me, but told me not to buy out Target of their boy department just yet. :) It's still very early so we'll find out 100% at the next sonogram. Stephanie said I'm handling it really well, but I'm just not dealing with any disappointment. I'm glad. I did want a sister for Taylor and I feel bad about that, but she is fine about it and still hopes to be surprised! :) I had it in the back of my mind that I was having a boy, despite my girl planning and girl talk, so it wasn't a big shock. Just like Steff was saying about her and Amara, Taylor and I have such a special, close relationship, it's fun because it's just us and something that only she and I get to share.

Plus, boys are just easier! No mood swings, hours on the phone or hair drama..... :)

Check out our little cutie.

Such a sweet little nose. :)

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Anonymous said...

Oh my goodness. Ours is due that day or the next. The ultrasound and my calendar were 1 day off - I can't remember which was which now. That is hilarious.

Congratulations! Girl or boy - either way, it's going to be a cutie!

Stephanie said...

I'm curious to know what this one will be like. You have one boy that is drama king and full of sweet embraces and one that is "bad boy" with attitude! :)

Adriana said...

We were just looking again at the pictures and Chandler lifted up my shirt and asked to see the crack that they used to see the baby! lol