Tuesday, October 03, 2006

Library day

The highlight of the kids week is library day. (unless like this week, it's the first Thursday of the month week, which means skating -- oh and now our co-op classes are also a highlight... but I digress)

Lately we go right after piano which works out great because we get in on story time and the craft they do. Today we ran into Jess and Dana and their kids.... ha ha, that sounds like an alternative family or something. :o)

Anyways, it was the first time for us to go out with Piper. It was a little bit crazy, but with a few adjustments we'll be good. I found out that Brayden is just not ready to be down walking around when I'm trying to push a stroller. That boy is fast! I have to chase him down and ended up carrying him most of the time. Not an easy thing to do while pushing a stroller and carrying an armload of books (Taylor had her hands full too) That kinda left Chandler on his own, which I was all too aware of when I looked on helplessly(feeding Piper and corralling Brayden) as Chandler and the Growden girls skipping happily into the "staff only" part of the library. Good thing Dana was around! Thanks Dana! :)

Throw into the mix: no warm water for the baby's formula (never noticed that the motion sensor faucets don't ever get warm -- had to ask the staff to use the microwave) and one explosive poopy diaper (like all over her, the outfit and a puddle in the carseat) and you've got a bonafide circus on your hands! I was lucky to get out of that place alive! lol... I laugh about it now. It WAS funny. I ran into a mom from storytime later at Chickfila and she was telling her friends how calm I was with four kids. Boy, do I have her fooled!!!! :o) Posted by Picasa

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