Friday, September 15, 2006

Yes, I am alive.....

My blog is dead, but I am indeed alive.

Thanks be to God - He provided a new camera for us!! It was quite miraculous and breathtaking. We're very excited. It'd a great camera and takes really good pictures.

Alas, this was nearly three weeks ago and I still have yet to get even a few of the pictures (out of hundreds!) I've taken posted here. I've gotten so lazy about posting since my camera bit the dust, the thought of ever so slowly uploading 5 pictures at a time is pure agony to me.

Of course, there's been a lot going on in our lives, being frantically busy and a week long trip to Oklahoma among other things.

I decided to go the easy route for now and obtained a flickr account. Batch uploading!! Yah! Here's the link to dozens of pictures I've taken in the past few weeks. Hope you enjoy!!

It's good to be back, but don't expect me to be posting much... with school, church, piano lessons, soccer practice (2x's a week!) soccer games, our homeschool co-op classes, life group and Bible study on Fridays (!!!) I'm going to be doing good to get pictures alone posted onto flickr!! I will, however, try to be oh so faithful about doing that!!

Hooray for small miracles! We have a camera! :)))))

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