Monday, July 17, 2006


My camera broke a few weeks ago, ergo there are no pictures to be posted, nor has there been for quite awhile. It really sucks. :)

To update on recent stuff that's been happening... We went out to eat and then to the hot air balloon glow Saturday night with the Forringers. The night before, we'd joined them for a cookout. Last Tuesday was Bible club at church, but I had major brain gas and totally forgot about it. Yesterday was Sunday, church was great - the fresh start to my week that I always need. I made enchiladas for lunch (Yum) and we mostly just chilled for the rest of the day. We considered the lake, but 103 is a little hot even for the lake. Today, Tom is in Dallas for a class he has to take for work. I was up until 2 last night making cinnamon bread for him to take for breakfast. I didn't think of it until late and with him leaving at 5 in the morning, I knew I would be lucky to get his shirt ironed and coffee made for at that early hour!

So that's our past week or so. I know it's been longer than that since I posted but with no pictures, it's hard to remember what all we've been doing. lol Oh yeah!! I changed my hair! Most of you who see me a lot already know, but I have red hair now!! It's auburn with red and brown highlights. It was a huge change for me (I've never altered my color in any way!) but now I'm used to it and I love it!! I've always wanted red hair. I told Tom that I don't think I'm going back to my boring brown for a long time. :)

I was thinking last night that my base color is actually a glaze that I could easily do myself and just have my stylist (I love saying that! :-D) do the highlights.... hmmm I'll have to talk to him about that... Anyways, I don't have a picture yet, but Steff said she'd take one tomorrow, so I'll get that posted so everyone can see. :) I know my mom is waiting to see "what I've done". lol


Jaime said...

Has your family reunion happened yet? How'd it go?

You do know you can update even without pictures, right?... *grin*

Stephanie said...

You are so LAME Adriana!!!!! I'm gonna by accident forget about your blog since it's so neglected by you! You should be ashamed of yourself and you call yourself a friend. :) I get all the scoop anyway but what about all your other loyal fans?

We never did get that picture of your hair for your mom.

Stephanie said...

Come on now .... you have no excuses left. You have a camera, you have lots of fun going on .... WHERE ARE YOUR POSTS?!!!???!!!! :)