Saturday, September 30, 2006

Move over IHOP

This is my version of IHOP's stuffed french toast. The picture doesn't do it justice!! The black plate was a really bad idea for a picture. And the color is all screwy because I had to turn off the flash and that makes it look all yellowish.... oh well! It sure tasted good! I even won Tom over - he loved it - and he doesn't normally doesn't like it at all.

I didn't have fresh straberries, so I used strawberry jam instead. The cream cheese filling was the fruit dip I make with cream cheese, cool whip powdered sugar, cinnamon and a little salt. I used Peppridge Farm cinnamon swirl bread, just to give it that extra fancy touch. Yummy yum yum!! Posted by Picasa


Jaime said...

OOOOOOOOHHHHH, that looks yummy!!!

Anonymous said...

hubba,'re speaking my language now woman! *drool*