Wednesday, January 03, 2007

Very Merry Fry/Reagh Christmas

We celebrated Christmas with my family Saturday after Taylor's party. It had been a long day so we skipped the traditional desserts and munchies (all the stuff we wanted to have at the New Year's Eve party the next night anyways!) and just had sandwiches. Dad read a devotion and we had prayer time as a whole family. It was awesome. Then the presents came out... I'd made a collage frame with b&w pictures for mom and dad. I meant to take pictures to post on there, but I forgot. They turned out so nice. Most of the pictures were the same in each ( I did several for different family members) and in a few of the spots I'd put pictures of the kids with whomever I was giving it to. They really liked it. I had also found a beautiful wooden plaque at Lifeway with their family verse on it (Ps. 37:4) and just had to get it because it's so special to them.

After presents, we watched an old Christmas movie I'd tivoed called Holiday Affair. We have seen almost every old movie ever made, but we'd never heard of this one. It was a gem of a Christmas movie and instantly went on our Christmas-movies-to-watch-every-year list :)

Sunday morning we went to church in Shreveport with my dad and the kids to visit their church's sister church! It's neat that we live so close to it. This church in Shreveport sent two men from there to plant a church in Tulsa several years back. It's been flourishing ever since. My siblings know many of the youth from there because many of them have come to Tulsa for the summer to help with VBS and the inner city kids outreaches that the church has. They were excited to see all of their friends. Both churches are really cool and have hearts for the inner city kids.

I say we went with my dad and the kids because my mom ended up having to stay home with my sister Angel because she had curious "bites" on her that looked suspiciously like chicken pox! And that's exactly what it is.. a few hours after getting home from church, Judah had spots too!! So much for not passing it around. lol They were both broken out a lot when they left monday. My kids got exposed, of course AND I had to call all the kids from the party to tell them that they had been exposed too! :-P I had to alert Ginger (Piper's mom) and she decided to just take the chance. The incubation is 10 days to 3 weeks! So it would not have worked out well to try to keep her away that long. Not to mention the time it would take to finally get over it! I'm sort of glad my kids will get it now -- better young then when they're older.

Sunday night we all went to the Bourcier's for New Years Eve. We made TONS of food.... every holiday treat you can think of pretty much! It was a blast. (And I forgot my camera! When I get the pics they took from Janet and Erika, I'll post 'em!) I love hanging with the older ones, it's just like we are still kids. We played several games with Lauren, Gracie, Avery and Bailey Bridges was there too. Both games were very loud and we turned Midnight Madness in to a contact sport! The Fry's are very physical as the girls quickly learned. lol We had Lauren in stitches with our antics. We rang in the new year with sparkling cider -- "bubbly" as Ness calls it -- and some fireworks Dad held over from the 4th. :) We stayed visiting even after that and finally got home and crawled into bed about 2:30. Too many late nights for this tired mama!! :)

Monday was lazy -- my family took their time getting ready to go, the packing being generously interspersed with movies, football and talk fests... :) We said our goodbyes (sniff) and they got on the road about 5.

Such a long weekend - but I wouldn't trade the fun and family we had for all the sleep and peace in the world! :)

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